Friday, November 1, 2024


(Green Giant Comics 001, 1940)

The Raiders are a piratical group with a two-pronged approach to acquiring gold on the briny deep: 

1. learn of  gold shipments via a spy network operated by a member known only as "the Spy Chief"

2. employ the super-scientific creations of submarine captain Dirck to wreak havoc on gold bearing ships and then escape.

The whole thing is going swimmingly and even Rex Norton, the Black Arrow, is making very little headway against them until they make the mistake of trying to eliminate him using some of the Spy Chief's spies. Here's where the Raiders' fatal flaw comes in: no two of them can stand one another. In the course of their operation, spies Borgu and X-13 bicker hard enough to spill every vital secret that their organization has to Norton's hot little ears, and are distracted enough by infighting that he escapes and captures them without difficulty.

(X-13 seems to be coded as the Black Arrow's femme fatale/ friendly enemy and probably would have been a recurring antagonist if Rex Norton had ever reappeared)

The bickering extends all the way to the top, as the Spy Chief and Dirck the Inventor basically do Rex Norton's job for him in a mutual betrayal that he barely has to intervene in to take down the entire organization.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...