Sunday, November 3, 2024


(Green Mask v1 001, 1940)

The Grim Circle! A mysterious hooded group responsible not only for killing the Green Mask's father but also for causing the injury that leads to the creation of the Green Mask himself! And the creation of Domino the Miracle Boy a bit later in the issue! Truly they are the engines of their own destruction.

SIDE NOTE: Criminals targeting politicians for introducing tough-on-crime legislation is a trope in various media to this very day. I have no doubt that it has a TVtropes entry. Normally such laws are so vaguely laid out in the text of the story they appear in as to essentially be "we're making crime illegal again," but Senator Shelby's Mandatory Death Sentence for All Gang Members Bill is legitimately insane and while I don't condone murder maybe it is overall a good thing that he no longer has a hand in making laws.

Weirdly, I don't actually think that the Grim Circle are a gang. They're a group, certainly, but all of their activities seem to be in aid at a sort of freelance espionage situation. That's more of a conspiracy. And espionage is already very illegal!

The Grim Circle's major project is to draw the US into WWII and to that end they've recruited Igor, a mad scientist with a super artillery cannon, to help them blow up some peace talks. Needless to say, the Green Mask doesn't let this happen and in fact kills the whole lot of them via explosion.

John Sebastion, a financier tangentially connected to some of the Circle's crimes, is eventually revealed to be the head of the group, perhaps because he claims to have been released after the Green Mask killed everyone but the leader. The huge Grim Circle forearm tattoo might also have been a clue.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...