Thursday, November 28, 2024


(Masked Marvel 002, 1940)

Kardo, Maker of Monsters, is not quite a super-villain but that's about the closest thing to what he is and I'm not making up a new category for every guy who doesn't quite fit the existing ones. What is Kardo then, you ask? A world-famous scientist with the soul of a clown and a compulsion to make creatures and beasties - when we first meet him he is sharing a drink with his friends Dr Melvyn Hunt and Rosalind Rogers and reminiscing about all the trouble he caused the last time he made a monster.

The fact that Kardo is continuing with his experiments is revealed when he accepts delivery of a human foot, and even then his friends treat him like someone who needs an intervention for hoarding or medium-grade drugs instead of someone treading in realms man was not meant to.

Of course the monster wakes up unexpectedly and is hostile to all human life because why wouldn't it be. Kardo really earns my affection here by being a perfect straight man to the creature's "he's right behind me" routine.

Kardo rounds out his perfect combination of comedy villain traits by being a complete coward and leaving Hunt to battle the monster on his own.

Thus ends the intervention. We love you Kardo and that is why we have impaled your unholy creation on this fence. Now promise that you won't immediately relapse. *Kardo* is immediately considering how best source human brains*

God I love this man. He just can't stop making monsters!

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...