Sunday, November 24, 2024


(Jungle Comics 011, 1940)

We begin with a very comic book (or monster-of-the-week TV show) setup. Camilla notices and comments on the ancient Magician's Pool and then is almost immediately compelled to enter that same pool and disappear from the realms of man.

Camilla's aide/paramour Sir Champion turns to local wizard Warlock (not that Warlock the Wizard, but it is wild that there are two of them) for help and learns that the Magician of Magician's Pool fame is Thoth, an evil jerk who the people of the Lost Empire tossed through the pool to another dimension hundreds of years earlier. Also, it turns out that the pool links to another dimension on nights of the full moon.

Meanwhile, Camilla has also learned these things from Thoth himself, who has been spending his time in the unnamed dimension taming weird monsters and is now ready to use them to conquer the Earth. Camilla is of course having none of this but her attempts to prevent it using violence are thwarted as Thoth and all others in his presence are immune to mundane weaponry. On an unrelated note, did I mention that Warlock the wizard gave Sir Champion a magic sword and shield?

This is a pretty Sir Champion heavy episode overall - he encounters a cute girl who turns out to be a less attractive green assassin and so is okay to slay and then is taken to the home of a cool nude giant dude who I wish we knew more about this fellow! As it stands, Sir Champion gets directions and a guide from him and we never see him again.

Sometimes I get a bit lazy and just do a bullet point summary as my first draft of these entries and what I had here was simply "MAGIC SWORD, ASSHOLE" an I think that stands. Thoth (asshole) gets a magic sword to the heart and ceases to become a threat to the world as a whole and the Lost Empire in particular.

Camilla and Sir Champion make their way home, accompanied by the giant naked laughing guy's little beaƒt friend, which would be significant to later plots and stories in a different time, but this is the Golden Age and an extradimensional creature of unknown nature and provenance coming to Earth has no further impact.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...