Friday, November 15, 2024


(Jungle Comics 005, 1940)

Mundoor is a scientist who hangs out in the Fantomah part of the Jungle Comics Omnijungle and has seemingly been spending his time looking for a vitamin-rich plant that will induce giant growth in those that eat it, and in an astonishing turn of fortune an asteroid bearing that very plant lands on his doorstep one day! And the asteroid is also stuffed full of viable monster eggs! What a day for Mundoor.

Mundoor raises his reptiles on a diet of super-vitamins and hypnotism and sets out to conquer the jungle. He also coats them in phosphorescent paint to make them scarier which is frankly overkill.

Quite a bit of the adventure concerns Fantomah playing keepaway with the treasure vaults from Mundoor's first target, one of those Indian style palaces that Fantomah's mostly African style jungle is dotted with.

Mundoor eventually crosses Fantomah's mental line, from "prevent this guy from doing crimes" to "get rid of this guy for good' when he orders his beasts to destroy and loot an entire (kind of Middle Eastern style) city. He and his pets are unceremoniously dumped back on the asteroid and blasted into space, where they presumably get extremely huge on a diet of nothing but growth inducing plants.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...