In 1940, Fiction House tried an innovative new method to sell their comics: a serialized contest! Specifically, they printed a series of adventures by detective Bullseye Bannon across issues of Fight Comics, Jumbo Comics, Jungle Comics and Planet Comics, and to enter the contest you had to send in your solution to the mystery along with four little coupons clipped from the issues. I can only assume that the whole exercise was more trouble than it was worth, because they only bothered to do it three times.
It's a fun little bit of comics ephemera, though, and since I've never really seen it talked about anywhere and I recently finished reading the 1940 issues of the four titles in question, I have gathered together all of the Bullseye Bannon Mysteries for your edification and entertainment. Today we have: the Case of the Diamond Death!
Can you work out the solution to the mystery? You might have been eligible for a small cash prize 85 years ago! Solution below. (Jumbo Comics 013, Fight Comics 003, Jungle Comics 003, Planet Comics 003, 1940)
It this a good mystery: kind of? It would have been better if the only indication that the nameless ex-wife had a diamond ring wasn't the name of the mystery. (Jumbo Comics 016, 1940)
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