Monday, January 27, 2025


(Prize Comics 005, 1940) 

Having defeated the mad Racko over the course of three adventures, Jupiter and his pal Jim Johnson are ready for some variety in their lives. Well, too bad, because Racko's brother Murdo is out for revenge! His first move, kidnap Racko's former victim and Jim's current girlfriend Joan and put her in a test tube in her underwear.

ASIDE: I had been operating under the assumption that Racko was a last name but now I have to revise my worldview to include a set of parents who would name their children "Racko" and "Murdo".

Over all, Murdo is a lot less interesting than his brother, possibly because of his focus on revenge instead of wacky ways of harming NYC. If he does share one thing with Racko, it's a penchant for interesting hideouts - in his debut issue he is making his home under a lake in India that is stocked with octopuses, sharks and mermen. 

Murdo manages to capture Jim as well (and notably leaves him fully clothed when he puts him in a test tube) but turns out to be even less able to cope with an alien wizard than Racko was.

Jupiter doesn't even bother blowing Murdo up. He just piles some stuff on top of him.

Having not even been plausibly killed in his first appearance (and what an insult that is for the brother of the guy that Jupiter felt the need to blow up three separate times), Murdo is back next issue to try again, this time by using magnets to flip Jim Johnson's cab into a ditch. This is actually very advanced for a Golden Age villain - Murdo has learned that his chances of taking on Jupiter are low and so is starting out by getting the much easier revenge kill on Johnson. Sadly for both Murdo and Johnson's cab driver, the passenger compartment is the only part of the cab that survives.

Jupiter shows up and easily captures Murdo, but Murdo has had the good sense to have a henchman dress up as a cop and lurk nearby to "take the villain into custody." He then abandons his revenge plot entirely in favour of an attempt to take over the US by murdering the president. It's an astonishing display in light of the single-minded obsession that governs most super-villainous behaviour, folks. Unless world domination was Murdo's main thing to begin with and revenge was the distraction, of course.

Jupiter does not stand idly by and allow Franklin Delano Roosevelt to be murdered, of course, though he makes the unusual choice to destroy Murdo's henchmen and just... leave Murdo himself wandering around on the ground somewhere. It's a calculated insult!

The end-of-story blurb promises that next issue would see Murdo teaming up with his brother Racko and I for one think that that would be a fun time, as despite having chosen to go into the same field the two are actually quite different in their approaches to super-villainy, plus a little sibling rivalry never hurt the readability of any story. Sadly, though, Prize Comics 006 was Jupiter's final appearance, so while Murdo remains at large poor Racko is in a limbo-state, reportedly not dead but not confirmed alive. Very sad stuff.

REVENGE KILLING SCORE: 0/5 in two attempts each on Jupiter and Jim's lives and one on Joan's, Murdo got none of them. Abysmal.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...