Sunday, January 26, 2025


(Prize Comics 005, 1940) 

Comic book features with the villain as the lead were one of the rarer subgenres of the Golden Age, and so I must note that this is our third instance of one with a monster-maker as the lead. Fun!

We first encounter Dr Dekkar here after he has advertised for an assistant and thus brought one Diane Clark to his laboratory-castle on the English moors. There's a part of me that wants to get very critical of the concept of accepting a job whee you will be living with your boss sight-unseen but I know that that was a thing that many people did in fact have to do in the past - particularly women, who were making up most of the live-in childcare and nursing workforce. And there's a lot ove very harrowing fiction built around the premise of accepting one of those jobs and turning up only to find yourself in a Weird Situation, so this one checks out!

Case in point: Diane soon learns that the job in the isolated castle, that she was given sight unseen after answering a newspaper advertisement and which has her sharing a residence with two overtly creepy men and a third (unseen, screaming) presence, might just be a little sketchy. Specifically, she learns that the screamer is Dr Dekkar's last assistant, who has been turned into a kind of ape-man by Dekkar's experiments with hormone injection.

And to add insult to injury, it turns out that Diane hasn't been brought in as an assistant after all, but is simply the next experimental subject!

Luckily for Diane, her fiance Bob Trent has a poor sense of the boundaries between personal and private lives and shows up on her first day at her new job to see how she's doing. Chaos ensues: Dekkar's real assistant Wilkins releases and is killed by the ape-man; the ape-man makes off with Diane and is subsequently killed by Tom; the castle burns down and Dekkar is presumed dead.

You know what they say about presuming that a super-villain is dead, though: they always crawl back out of the woodwork to press U and ME in some sort of diabolical deathtrap. And indeed, Dr Dekkar is back again one month later with a collection of animal men and a thirst for vengeance.

In an impressive move for a comic book scientist, Dekkar has continued in his prior avenue of research instead of tossing it all and starting over in the field of robotics or making frankensteins. His hormone treatments have gotten precise enough that he is able to make humanoid creatures out of animal life, including an almost fully human Tiger Woman, with the dual caveats that a) the creatures must be given an injection every six hours or lose their human forms and b) human brain matter is an important part of the recipe and oh, look! Diane and Bob have human brains! What a wonderful coincidence!

As an aside, Dekkar sure has made some interesting choices here: make a woman out of a tiger, dress her in a fur bikini and teach her to smoke using a cigarette holder... I'm just saying that if this were a modern comic then Dekkar's search history would have some very specific booleans going on in it.

The Tiger Woman is of course horny for Bob and lets him free only to turn on him once he expresses some desire to leave with the date he came with. This leads to Bob being carried off by the amazing Condor-Man, who gets far too little on-panel time.

(shout out to Dr Dekkar for wearing something approaching proper attire for a surgical theatre: just look at that face mask!)

Bob manages to escape the Condor-Man and return just in time to see his plan take effect: he had somehow managed to replace the beast-men's hormone injections from the night before with water and now they were all reverting to their former states with remarkable speed. Bob and Diane haul ass out of there while Dr Dekkar is messily devoured by his own test subjects (there is a "will Dr Dekkar return next month?" caption at the end, but since he did not I guess the tigers really did do him in).

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...