Saturday, January 25, 2025


(Prize Comics 005, 1940)

Late in his first incarnation, Power Nelson makes the acquaintance of Zora Doone, agent of the Interplanetary Red Cross, and the two form a very horny-but-chaste relationship. At her behest, Nelson takes a break from not freeing the people of Earth from the tyrannical rule of Seng I to investigate conditions on planet Ato, where humans are ruled... BY APES!

Yes, it's a good old fashioned Planet of the Apes situation on Ato. Humans are treated as animals, act as beast of burden, are fed on garbage, etc, while apes get to be cops and wagon-drivers. It just ain't fair!

There isn't really any exploration of why or how exactly the apes are in charge on Ato - the humans seem to be intelligent and verbal and the apes know it... Is this a race thing? It probably is, isn't it - whether the writer consciously wrote it that way or not it's got a lot in common with fantasies of white oppression under the heels of the "lesser" races (oh wait, I forgot that this is a comic set in a future in which the West has been conquered by the evil Mongol, isn't it) . It's also an interesting bit of commentary on the treatment of animals - that panel of the ape zookeeper feeding its charges garbage straight out of the can speaks of someone who has felt a pang of empathy for a creature in their time.

King Maytus isn't really your typical villain, just the head of an oppressive society, but I like his bluster. I also like seeing Power Nelson get mashed up by an elephant for a few panels before he inevitably comes out on top.

For all my talk of racist allegories above, the situation on Ato is actually resolved far more peacefully than a similar one on a comic set on a Pacific Island would be. Sure Maytus is beaten up and threatened with death, but the story doesn't end with, say, all of the apes being killed and/or reduced to servitude and/or stripped of their intelligence. In Golden Age comics terms it's a triumph of diplomacy!

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...