Sunday, September 1, 2024



Yank Wilson gets the Distinguished Service Medal for his efforts in preventing the the nation of Hondu (a Japan analog) from pulling a sneak attack on the US naval bases in Hawaii. I reckon that this is where Yank Wilson stops plausibly being in the near future and becomes a contemporary series - note the 3/4s perspective FDR. (Fantastic Comics 009, 1940)

Samson's sidekick David: lariat champion of his Boy Scout troop three years running. There's a reason he gets to run around with a super guy! (Fantastic Comics 010, 1940)

Undersea adventurer Kinks Mason gets an unspecified medal for bravery for rescuing a bunch of folks from the Weed People. (Fight Comics 002, 1940)

Fate of the Missing Link:

Despite the Missing Link conceptually being an intermediate evolutionary stage between apes and humans and thus being something that is by definition no longer extant, the darn things keep showing up. This bunch, a kind of amphibious ape-lizard-caveman, were found by Kinks Mason living at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. (Fight Comics 005, 1940)

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(Smash Comics 006, 1940) Time for a very obscure character indeed: Kadu-Kan, who put out Black X's eye in an attempt to induce him to sp...